Kittens and Grandfather Clocks

perk_clock_face_crop_2007_07_closeTuesday, March 19, 2013 – Checking the time … Perkins on her first day out to play with Teeny Tuxedo in the wide open, July 24, 2007 … One week after I got them from the Southwest Washington Humane Society.

Had to keep them apart for a weekTeeny developed a cold the second day here. Luckily, she’s such a munchmaster, it didn’t stop her from eating through her sniffles.

So, Perk was in my bedroom and Teen in the small bathroom. A good place to humidify the air with a hot running shower for the tiny Teeny’s congestion.

perk_clock_face_2007_07_grandpa_aholaLook closely … you’ll see a real grandfather! In the closeup of little cat Perk is a color-tinted studio photo of Grampa and Gramma Ahola (Bill and Lillian), around the time they were married, 1925. Russ made copies for a Christmas past … Framed it myself at a frame shop! Museum quality and all!

The grandfather clock is my one piece of “real” furniture. Moved here in Oct. 2002. Bought it Feb. 2003 during a sale at the O’Clock Shoppe. Love grandfather clocks!

Mr. Grandfather has Westminster chimes, the same as Big Ben in London. Give a listen, mate. If I lived in a larger place I’d keep the chimes on … they’re on silent mode for now. The words to this beautiful chime come from Handel’s, “I Know That My Redeemer Liveth”:

“Lord through this hour
Be Thou our guide
So, by Thy power
No foot shall slide”

Here’s Mr. Grandfather as of today, March 24, 2013:
grandfather_clock_2013_03_24 grandfather_clock_2013_03_24_face_crop

**This is a favorite Perkins and Teeny Tuxedo post

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